Back in the day, my mom was a glider pilot. I’ve always admired her passion and dedication, but in my mind, gliding was just a hobby or an enjoyable pastime. I didn’t fully realise that the skills glider pilots develop can actually translate to many other areas of their careers.
Mr. Wendell Lynch is an instrument-rated private pilot and flight instructor who works as a Safety Promotion Officer for General Aviation at the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) based in Cologne, Germany. He started his career in aviation as a glider pilot.
I asked him how this has helped him in his function as a private pilot and a flight instructor.
In your opinion, what are the most important skills that pilots gain through gliding?
One of the primary skills that pilots gain instinctively through gliding is basic stick and rudder skills; one of the most elementary abilities a pilot needs to develop to gain mastery of flight. Gliding also teaches pilots to read the clouds, interpret the thermals, analyze their surroundings, and connect with the elements they navigate. They develop an intuitive understanding of the environment they fly in and learn to fly their glider effectively using the ever-changing dynamics of the sky and landscape.These competencies can be invaluable in other types of flying as well.
Another important skill that is developed through gliding is decision-making. With no engine, glider pilots are used to the concept of energy management in flight. By constantly assessing their altitude and speed in relation to their flight path and surroundings, making strategic choices based on what they see and feel becomes second nature. This type of decision-making can be applied to any scenario where quick thinking and strategic planning are required.
Besides these skills, is there anything else that you learned through gliding that you found useful in your career?
Gliding also teaches pilots important soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. Pilots must work closely with ground crews and other pilots in order to safely operate a glider. By improving their communication and collaboration skills, glider pilots can become more effective leaders and better team players in other areas of their careers.
What would you say to young people who are interested in gliding?
In many parts of the world, including Europe, gliding often serves as a gateway to a potential career in aviation, particularly for younger people. It offers a valuable foundation and introduction to the principles of flight, aerodynamics, and aviation operations. This pathway allows aspiring pilots to develop their skills, gain experience, and make connections within the aviation community. It's a great way to start and less expensive than regular flight lessons!
I got my glider rating before I got the single-engine land rating, and I'm glad I did. My gliding skills helped me understand energy management and made landing patterns easier. Soaring is a wonderful sport with much camaraderie, and by far the most economical way to get into aviation.
Fully agree that learning how to glide first is extremely useful (and a lot of fun!)