As part of my series of interviews with aviation professionals, I have had a chance to talk with Patrick Rasmussen, a commercial pilot and flight instructor from Geneva, Switzerland.
Can you please introduce yourself to the audience?
Hi! I am Patrick. I'm 44 years old and come from Switzerland. I started flying in the US in 1999 and then did a validation in Europe. I first worked as a commercial pilot at a Swiss company that specializes in private aviation for business flights, and flew the Cessna Citation CJ3 during 12 years. Now, I work for the largest commercial Pilatus PC-12 operator in Europe since three years. I've also been a flight instructor since 2010.

So, what motivated you to become a pilot?
I grew up close to the international airport in Geneva, so flying has always been a passion. And I guess I just wanted a cool job, flying and traveling! One of my friends was a pilot, so that also inspired me.
What do you like most about being a pilot?
I'm a fan of the smaller planes. My favorite is the Piper PA-18 Super Cub! It's a two-seat, single-engine monoplane. Landing in the mountains is what I like most.

What would you say to young students who want to become commercial pilots?
Be open to other job opportunities before sitting in the cockpit. There are so many jobs related to aviation and it's important to understand the business. From sales, handlings, luggage etc. It's good to have seen other jobs before working in private/commercial aviation.
And what skill do you think is most important in your field of work?
Common sense!!
Ha! That's a great answer! If you had to pick a different job, what would it be?
Probably something related to building and maintaining client relationships. I am a very social person. I like dealing with other people and inter-personal relations are important to me.
Any special memories that come to mind from your career journey?
Beautiful skies, beautiful night stops with friendly colleagues, and different cultures in aviation.
Any last piece of advice to high school students with a passion for aviation?
Go for it! Enter step by step into the magical world of aviation!
I would like to know if it's hard to get a job as a commercial pilot in a company like that?
Does sound like a pretty cool life! :)